FUTUBULL Help Center-Futubull community general management rules

Futubull community general management rules

Contents Chapter

I General Provisions Chapter

II Futubull Community Users' Behavior Convention Chapter

III Enterprises Behavior Convention Chapter

IV Handling of Community Violations Chapter

V How to Appeal Chapter

VI Disclaimer


Futubull Community (also called as "FUTU BULL Community") is an investment community where users create high-quality interactive content, and for investors to obtain investment information and share investment views. The Futubull Community encourages original, practical information on sharing investment themes and advocates a harmonious and equal atmosphere of communication. Users and enterprises should strictly abide by the relevant laws and regulations and the relevant agreements such as the Futubull Service Agreement, the Privacy Policy, and the Futubull Enterprises’ Entry Service Agreement. In order to construct a harmonious, rule-of-law and healthy network environment, maintain the order of Futubull community and protect the legitimate rights and interests of users, Futu formulates these "Futubull Community General Management rules" (hereinafter referred to as "these general management rules", "these rules"), according to the relevant laws and regulations and management policies.


Chapter I General Provisions

1. Futubull Community is a community that shares knowledge, experience, and views on investment. It aims to help users understand market rules and methods, develop the ability to think independently and identify more investment opportunities. The community is committed to creating a community atmosphere of mutual respect, integrity, carefulness, fun and diversity. Futubull community includes, but is not limited to: user information, streams, posts, individual stock reviews, comments, chat, live broadcast, video, courses and other modules.

2. In Futubull community, the behavior and activities of Futubull users should strictly abide by the provisions of this general management rules, meantime confirm and agree that Futubull has the right to manage your behavior in the community, and make corresponding treatment referring to the relevant laws and regulations and this general management rules.


Chapter II Futubull Community Users' Behavior Convention

Users should strictly abide by the relevant laws and regulations and the relevant management regulations of the community, abide by the user behavior convention, consciously restrain their behavior in the community. Otherwise, the community will take measures to deal with:

1. All activities of users in the Futubull community shall abide by the relevant laws and regulations and administrative regulations of the state. And the publication of information endangering the security of the state and society and negative information contrary to public order and good customs shall be strictly prohibited. Violations of this rule include, but are not limited to:

1) Opposing the basic principles established by the Constitution;

2) Endangering national security, divulging state secrets, subverting state power and undermining national unity;

3) Divulging state secrets, endangering national security, or impairing national honors and interests;

4) Inciting national hatred and national discrimination, destroying national unity, or infringing on national customs;

5) Undermining the national religious policy and propagating cults and superstitions;

6) Spreading rumors in order to disrupt social order, and undermine social stability;

7) Distorting, stigmatizing, desecrating, negating the deeds and spirit of heroic martyrs, and insulting, slandering heroic martyrs;

8) Promoting obscene, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terror or abetting crime;

9) Inciting illegal assemblies, associations, processions, demonstrations, crowds to disrupt social order;

10) Negative information breaking through the bottom line of social morality and system;

11) Slandering others, divulging the privacy of others, and infringing upon the legitimate rights and interests of others;

12) Something that is bloody and causes physical discomfort;

13) Content of self-harm, including describing the process of self-maiming suicide, publishing pictures and videos of self-maiming suicide, live broadcast of self-maiming suicide, showing horrendous content of bloody violence, etc;

14) The contents of affecting the physical and mental health of minors and inducing minors to commit crimes;

15) That contains other contents prohibited by laws, administrative regulations and state regulations.


2. Users shall, in particular, abide by the laws, regulations and provisions of the securities industry in the conduct and activities of Futubull community. Violations of this rule include, but are not limited to:

1) Actively and directly recommending stock codes to other users;

2) Taking the initiative to invite users of the community or obtain contact information of other users in order to carry out suspected stock recommendation activities, etc;

3) Publishing contents of suspected stock recommendation in the community through mass registration, trading secondary accounts, hiring Internet Water Army, and so on;

4) The act of frequently publishing stock recommendation information in the community and repeatedly transmitting large numbers of stock trade messages to other users;

5) Making transaction decisions for users and promising profits;

6) Publishing inflammatory remarks and other means to seek improper profits;

7) Violating laws, regulations and regulatory provisions on privately placed products, including but not limited to publicly releasing or publicizing information that can only be released or publicized to specific qualified investors in accordance with laws;

8) Violating laws and regulations on asset management business and structured products;

9) Other violations of laws and regulations on securities and funds as determined in accordance with laws, regulations and regulatory provisions.


3. Actions and activities of users in the Futubull Community shall abide by and respect for the legitimate rights and interests of other users and the Futubull Community. Violations of this rule include, but are not limited to:

1) Proactively inviting, asking for other users' account and password to operate their accounts;

2) Accepting the entrustment of other users who have opened securities accounts and operating the accounts on their behalf;

3) Inviting users to open accounts of stocks, futures, foreign exchange at other platforms through chatting, commenting, etc;

4) Posting any content involving falsehood, including, but not limited to:

a. Issuing false investment varieties, and making false statements about historical performance, exaggerating, fabricating, etc;

b. Publishing fraudulent promotion, marketing information, or advertising for the purpose of defrauding money;

c. Publishing promotion, marketing information or advertisements for the purpose of selling fake and shoddy goods;

5) Malicious confrontations include, but are not limited to, evading security reviewing by using variations, homophonic and other ways, and trying to publish posts many times even knowing that violates laws, regulations and community rules;

6) Publishing potentially dangerous content, or using third-party websites to forge jump links, such as phishing sites, Trojans, virus sites, etc;

7) Broadcast audio-visual content such as copyrighted films, TV dramas, unauthorized sports competitions, and audio-visual programs explicitly prohibited by the relevant state departments;

8) Providing illegal consulting services to Futu users in the Futubull Community directly, or inducing Futu users to go to third-party platforms so as to provide illegal consulting services to them;

9) Inviting users in the community to participate in paid lectures, salons, training or other activities;

10) Maliciously discrediting Futu and other behaviors that harm Futu platforms;

11) Behaviors that seriously endangering the legitimate rights and interests of users and the community.


4. Users' behaviors and activities in the Futubull Community cannot involve counterfeiting and inducement. Violations of this rule include, but are not limited to:

1) Impersonating users, institutions, or other celebrities. Indicating others you are or are related to others or institutions through using the same personal information such as profile photo, user name and so on. It will be classified as counterfeiting if you cannot provide valid proof;

2) Impersonating the Futubull company or staff. Indicating others you are or are related to others or institutions through using the same personal information such as profile photo, user name and so on. It will be classified as counterfeiting if you cannot provide valid proof;

3) Misusing or inducing Futubull users with false or unauthorized information. Violations of this policy include, but are not limited to:

a. Using inductive expressions, including but not limited to: Hong Kong, banking, financial management, insurance, opening account, QQ, lottery tickets, All-in-one ordinary card, Wechat and its variants;

b. Inducing users to add Wechat, Wechat groups, and ask them to pay for investment consulting services that are not protected by laws;

c. Forcing, inducing, or hiring other users to follow an account, click on a link, or share information;

d. Forcing, inducing, or employing other users to click Like button to the answers or the articles;

e. Forcing, inducing, or employing other users to follow questions;

f. Forcing, inducing, or hiring other users to answer questions.

g. Behaviors that mislead users or disrupt community order such as batch registration, buying and selling accounts, or generating false comments, likes, votes, or influence by using a click farm or machine, or manually


5. Remarks and behaviors of users in the Futubull community should not involve false information. Violations of this rule include, but are not limited to:

1) False news: content is nonexistent and imaginary;

2) Twisting the truth by fabricating details;

3) Graphics and text do not match: misleading others through the wrong graphic and text collocation;

4) Exaggerating the facts and misleading others in the posts;

5) Overdue news: releasing the resolved events as new messages and omit the result that has been generated;

6) Incomplete information: hiding part of facts and misleading others with that;

7) Garbled quotation: publishing the post includes part of facts and conjecture. 


6. Users' behaviors in the Futubull Community shall not infringe on other's legitimate rights and interests. Violations of this policy include, but are not limited to:

1) Personal abuse: hurting others with insulting remarks; derogating others or verbal attacking toward others; publishing posts attacks others through profile photos, nickname, domain name, posting and other information carriers;

2) Disclosure of privacy: disclosing users' personal information and privacy without others' permission;

3) Junk information include, but is not limited to: malicious release of marketing information, meaningless information or selling fans' information in moment, comment, private message, account information, group chat, etc.

4) Fraud information: deceiving other users' property by making up facts or concealing the truth;

5) Other unfriendly behaviors includes, but is not limited to:

a. Humiliating, abusing, attacking, or disrespecting for the views, articles, and lives of the users in the Futubull community;

b. Harassment, intimidation, threat, slander or other contents that has a serious impact on users;

c. Maliciously inciting users to attack, isolate, or using other ways to treat some users unkindly;

d. Discriminating, insulting others or verbal attack towards others due to nationality, race, religion, sexual orientation, gender, age, region, physical characteristics, etc.

e. Divulging the privacy of others, or infringing upon the legitimate rights and interests of others;

f. Harassing others and repeatedly releasing repetitive or similar content to others by posting, commenting, @ others, chatting, etc.

g. Unauthorized and irregular quoting the works of others;

h. Provoking troubles and deliberately causing quarrels in the Futubull community.

6) Behaviors that undermine user experience such as adding irrelevant stocks, topics, or tags in a post.


Chapter III Enterprises Behavior Convention

The settled companies should strictly abide by the relevant laws and the relevant management regulations of the community, abide by the corporate behavior rules, and consciously restrict its own behavior in the community. Otherwise, the community will take following measures:

1. The name of the Futubull enterprises account must be consistent with the company's trade name and name must be uniquely identifiable and objective in the industry. Infringement is prohibited. Exaggerated, advertising, and misleading names are prohibited as well.

2. The name and trademark of the Futubull enterprises account must be consistent with trademarks, copyrights and other intellectual property laws and regulations. The use of any other person’s trademarks, copyrights and other content involving the intellectual property rights of others should obtain the allowance of the corresponding right holder in advance and when applying for the account provide relevant right certificates or authorization certificates truthfully; it is prohibited to use graphics and patterns that violate public order and good customs, laws and regulations, and other illegal nature.

3. It is not allowed to transfer the Futubull enterprises account obtained through any form (free or paid) to a third party for use; the enterprise can entrust a third party to manage and maintain the Futubull enterprise account according to its own needs, but the Futubull enterprise account can’t provide service for any other companies.

4. Marketing behaviors that affect user experience or disrupt the order of the community, including but not limited to publishing content, selling products, providing services, publicity and promotion in the community for marketing purposes, which are all regarded as marketing violations.

5. The community encourages all companies to actively participate in topics, activities, posting comments, long posts and other normal social behaviors through original or forwarding of high-quality content, to carry out healthy fan operations, but not to operate against junk fans and illegal fans, such as follow and harassment, inducing follow, trade false fans account, using system interface loopholes in violation of regulations, and account theft.

6. Do not conduct illegal business operations in the community, including participating in, encouraging, promoting or inducing others to exclude normal commercial competition in any form.

7. Do not conduct unfair competition behaviors in the community, including discussing other organizations, brands and enterprise account without the written allowance of other organizations, brands, or company numbers, causing adverse effects, fabricating facts, attacking other enterprises, institutions, etc.


Chapter IV Handling of Community Violations

1. Community managers will discover violations by actively discovering and accepting user reports. Users can use the "Report" function on Futubull to report suspected violations and users. Community management personnel will deal with it in a timely manner, including but not limited to:

1) For the content that violates the regulations, regarding the severity of the circumstances, measures such as warnings, rectification requirements, and blocking will be taken;

2) For users and enterprises that violate the regulations, we will conduct initial admonitions and warnings, require modification, short-term restrictions on the use of related permissions in the community, long-term use of related permissions, cancellation of account authentication or banning permanently, etc.;

3) For enterprises that violate the regulations, depending on the severity of the situation, short-term restrictions or long-term cancellation of related promotion resources in the community will be taken, including but not limited to: recommended banner, new user recommendation, live broadcast recommendation, wonderful playback location, push notifications, hot post, highlights, etc. rights;

4) Other legal treatment measures that Futubull community can take.

2. In the event of any of the following circumstances, Futu has the right to interrupt or terminate the services under this Agreement to the user at any time without assuming any liability to the user or any third party, and the losses arising therefrom shall be borne by the user independently:

1) The personal information provided by the user is not true;

2) The user violates relevant laws and regulations, national policies or rules of this Agreement;

3) The user infringes upon the legitimate rights and interests of individuals, enterprises and institutions, or social groups, including but not limited to patent rights, copyrights, trademark rights, or the rights of name, reputation, honor, portraiture right, and privacy, etc.;

4) The user damages the image and reputation of regulatory authorities, national institutions and governments;

5) The user damages the goodwill, reputation and other legitimate rights and interests of Futu and its affiliates in any way;

6) Futu has other reasonable grounds to believe that it is necessary to interrupt or terminate the services provided to the user.


Chapter V How to Appeal

1. Appeal channels

Users or enterprises that encounter complaints or platform measures can appeal through contacting community@futunn.com

2. Appeal handling

When making a complaint, you should provide corresponding evidence and materials as required. The community will not take or cancel the corresponding handling measures if it is verified by the community that its speech and behavior did not violate laws, regulations and related rules.


Chapter VI Disclaimer

1. In the community, a user or enterprise are responsible for any remarks and behaviors of themselves, and all disputes caused must be undertaken by the content publisher, including all legal and joint liabilities. Futu or the community does not assume any responsibility.

2. The content published by users or companies in this community only expresses their own positions and opinions, and our community does not assume any legal responsibility or any form of guarantee or guarantee for related remarks and behaviors.

3. The personal comments and behaviors of Futu employees in the community (except for products and technical services), including but not limited to: sharing information, participating in discussions, and disclosing their own position operations, representing only personal views, have nothing to do with Futu and the community Irrelevant.
